Quit Sugar Summit with Mike Collins This is a free summit (register at https://quitsugarsummit.com) that includes a large number of speakers who are talking on sugar and its role in food addiction and metabolic health. It is led by Mike …
Podcast – The Lancet Omission: Is Ignoring Nutrition Prevention Bad Science?
Recently the Lancet issued a report on the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease, but did not consider diet as a major risk factor, which is a serious omission. This podcast contains interviews with experts on the key role of bad …
Podcast – With Jesse Chappus from the Ultimate Health Podcast
The good and the bad. Fructose as a driver of obesity but also important for survival of animals. And a new sugar, allulose, that looks like fructose but seems to be protective. Watch the podcast here.
Article – The Metabolic and Endocrine Effects of a 12-Week Allulose-Rich Diet – PubMed
Allulose is a ‘magical’ rare sugar that is low calorie but also carries metabolic health benefits. Unlike all other low calorie sweeteners, allulose actually can improve blood glucose levels, stimulate satiety ,and cause weight loss. All by simply eating a …
Video – Sugar 101 is Mandatory (on the Sevan Podcast)
A discussion on sugar and its bad consequences, and also of a good sugar, allulose, which is now becoming available. Watch the video here.
Talk – A talk with David Perlmutter on the Tale of Two Sugars- Fructose and Allulose
Fructose is a caloric sugar that seems to have a role in driving obesity and metabolic syndrome. Allulose is a natural sugar but seems to have beneficial effects on glucose metabolism and weight. Listen to the podcast here.
Podcast and Video – A talk with Florence Christopher from the Kick Sugar Summit on the Fructose Factor in Obesity and Health
We talk about the perils of sugar and especially fructose in obesity and metabolic syndrome. Listen to the podcast here. Watch the video here.
Video – An interview with Dom D’Agostino on fructose and why soft drinks cause obesity, weight gain, craving and low energy.
Traditional soft drinks, juice boxes, and energy and sports drinks are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, an ingredient also found in many processed foods. The body processes fructose differently than other sugars, and fructose can lead to weight gain …
Article – Fructose may be the ultimate driver of obesity
An article in Big Think about the new hypothesis accuses the simple sugar of wrecking energy metabolism. Read the article here.