I am delighted to announce that I am joining the Board of Santa Barbara Nutrients. Santa Barbara Nutrients has developed a medical food for polycystic kidney disease that consists of a drink containing citrate and dietary ketones. Early studies suggest …
Podcast – This food Turns ON the FAT Switch – Healthy Rebel Speaks Out Podcast #13
This is a Podcast with Bonni London from Healthy Rebels. We talk about sugar, fructose and uric acid. Moreover, we discuss how to evaluate your diet for hidden sugars, the importance of staying hydrated, and when you should be concerned …
Article – Pegloticase-Methotrexate Combo May Improve Blood Pressure in Uncontrolled Gout
An article in Renal & Urology News showing again that treatment of uric acid (this time with an agent called pegloticase) is associated with a significant reduction in blood pressure. Read the article here.
Video – A Darker Side to Uric Acid
Discussions with Sara Banta on how uric acid may have a role in obesity and metabolic syndrome. Uric acid is not just the cause of gout, it is intricately linked with the processes involved in weight gain, fat accumulation and …
Podcast – An interview with Jenny Hutt of Just Jenny on Nature Wants Us to Be Fat
A nice talk with Jenny Hutt on fructose and its role in driving obesity and diabetes. It is not just the fructose we eat from sugar, but the fructose we make from carbs. Listen to the podcast here.
Article – The Relationship of Chronic Kidney Disease with Gout
Here I discuss the strong link of gout with chronic kidney disease. One simple reason is that when people have kidney disease they have trouble excreting uric acid, so it can build up in the blood and increase the risk …
Video – With Thomas Weimbs, PhD – Fructose and uric acid helped our ancestors to survive. Now they make us fat.
A discussion with Professor Thomas Weimbs on fructose and its role in causing obesity. We also discuss the importance of fructose and uric acid in causing kidney disease. One aspect is on the role of uric acid crystals in causing …
Paper – An Added Benefit from Treating Gout: A Reduced Risk for Dementia
A link to the association of gout with Alzheimer’s disease, and how treating gout is associated with a marked reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease. This association is largely explained by a relationship of fructose with Alzheimer’s disease that we also …
Article – The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition – Could Alzheimer’s disease be a maladaptation of an evolutionary survival pathway mediated by intracerebral fructose and uric acid metabolism?
Our Food May Be Giving Us Alzheimer’s Disease, New Research Says Our Western diet of has been linked to higher risks of heart disease and diabetes, liver disease, strokes, and multiple types of cancer. It is the lead cause of …