In certain regions of the world, a mysterious epidemic of kidney disease is occurring, especially in individuals working in the sugarcane fields of Central America. Thousands have died. Here we talk about the detective work that has led to the …
Article – The Mysterious Kidney Illness Rising Among Sri Lankan Farmers
Are pesticides in drinking water to blame for kidney disease among young farmers? An interesting article in Think Global Health. Dehydration not only causes reversible kidney damage, but also could actually activate a process that might cause chronic kidney disease, …
Video – With Thomas Weimbs, PhD – Fructose and uric acid helped our ancestors to survive. Now they make us fat.
A discussion with Professor Thomas Weimbs on fructose and its role in causing obesity. We also discuss the importance of fructose and uric acid in causing kidney disease. One aspect is on the role of uric acid crystals in causing …
Article – Washington Post – The world’s torrid future is etched in the crippled kidneys of Nepali workers
Climate Change and its Effects of Kidney Disease. Our group has also been studied how increasing heat from climate change can lead to acute and chronic kidney disease. This has primarily been a problem for people working outside in very …
Course – Heat Stress, Climate Change and its Impact on Kidney Disease. A course held by Cyberounds
Here we discuss the role of heat stress from climate change on kidney disease. The kidney is a major “barometer” for climate change. Heat stress can cause acute kidney injury as part of the syndrome of heat stroke. However, chronic …
Podcast: With Jesse Chappus – How to TURN OFF Your Fat Storage Switch to STOP GAINING WEIGHT
Why does Nature want us to be Fat? How obesity is occurring not only in humans but in pets and zoos. How climate change can increase our risk for obesity. Are umami foods healthy or do they carry some risk …
Article – (French) Climate change and the possible link to the “Metabolic Syndrome” and more…
A French article on climate change, the heat waves in Europe, and the possible linkage not only with kidney disease, but with obesity, diabetes and the “metabolic syndrome.” View the article here.
Video: Update on epidemics of CKD of unknown etiology in agricultural communities with Professor Tarek El Baz
Academy of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation View on YouTube. 0:00 Introduction 2:04 Current epidemics of kidney diseases 2:50 Mesoamerican nephropathy 4:22 Sri Lankan nephropathy 5:10 Uddanam nephropathy 6:13 potential roles of heat stress, dehydration, and heatstroke 15:35 Role of uric …